Point Course

Point Course(Required Time: 15~30min)

This course can be quickly implemented at any time. This course is for anyone who would like to readily review their experiences. Review any impressions by using 3 or 4 forms.

●Take any impressions and things learned from the essence of your lesson and write it into your phrase (My Sentence#). You will partially implement part I in three parts of TAE in this course.
  • Form
  • 2(1)
  • 3
  • 17
Point Course 1
●Take any impressions and things learned from the essence of your lesson and summarize it in a single sentence (Pattern#). In three parts of TAE, you will partially implement part Ⅱ in this course.
  • Form
  • 2(1)
  • 6
  • 17
Point Course 2
●Take any impressions and things learned from the essence of your lesson、combine keywords, and make a short sentence (Conceptual System#). In three parts of TAE, you will implement part Ⅲ in this course.
  • Form
  • 2(1)
  • 12
  • 17
Point Course 3

※My Sentence, Pattern, and Conceptual System are TAE Term⇒ What is TAE?


#My Sentence
My sentence is a short sentence, similar to poem line that compacts the essences of an individual's felt sense. By focusing on and recalling the felt sense* of oneself and empathizing others, we can navigate our thoughts and behaviors.
*Felt Sense
The felt sense is a meaningful sense that an individual feels by suiting the situations and gaining experiences.
Everyone feels the Felt Sense on a daily basis, and it navigates our thoughts and behaviors. Occasionally some people may not be aware of it, but they can feel it by self-reflection.
The pattern is a short sentence extracting general relationship (how things work) from specific experiences. It may appear in other experiences, and it helps us to predict and discover commonality.
#Conceptual System
The conceptual system is a short sentence expressing the concepts of values by connecting keywords. It responds coherently according to the situation. It works as a behavioral principal of an individual or an organization beyond time and place.

Selection Menu

Read the description of how to use TAE

You can do this by your self, or with your partner as a group.

Set up your theme/goal

You can learn what you find valuable by reviewing your Japanese teaching experience.

Choose the course

15 courses you can start in only 15 minutes

Start reviewing and implement TAE

Fill out the forms following the instruction